School Curriculum
At Preston Primary School we feel strongly that the curriculum needs to foster creativity and to be driven by what the pupils in our school need. We operate single age year groups, that teach National Curriculum 2014 objectives, where appropriate, through a topic. Some subjects, such as French are taught discretely. We have recently completed a review of our curriculum and our topics have changed effective January 2020.Our school curriculum, complemented by our Preston curriculum, reflects our school values of a family environment, built on partnership working, that uses a child centred approach to develop responsible lifelong learners that are prepared for life in modern Britain with the skills to play an active part in their communities. In addition to our subjects we also teach a daily phonics or spelling lesson, an English lesson and a Mathematics lesson. If you would like to find out more about the school curriculum please make an appointment to see the Headteacher or your child’s class teacher.
For more information about the National Curriculum
Link to the Government’s Primary Curriculum
Equality Statement
As a school, Preston is acutely aware of our duties in ensuring we comply with the Equality Act. We actively teach children about diversity and inclusion as part of our Preston Curriculum as well as our wider curriculum. We have an equality policy that can be found here and an accessibility plan which we review termly as part of our management meetings. We teach a full PSHE curriculum and further details can be found in the appropriate link below.
In Early Years we use the Trust EY curriculum and then plan around ‘wonder’ this ignites curiosity within the children and ensures that we lay good foundations for the behaviours foo learning we expect in school
We all of our subjects as stand alone units of work to ensure that children understand what the subject is around. For further information on each curriculum are please select the hyperlink below
- Teaching Phonics and Reading
- Teaching Mathematics
- Science
- Art
- DT
- History
- Foreign Language
- Geography
- Music
- RE
- Signing
- Writing
- PE
- Computing
- Preston Curriculum
Year Group Overviews
Each of our classes has an overview of what is being taught and when. You can find out the yearly overview by clicking the links below