Throughout their time at Preston the children will be introduced to a variety of religions and cultures. Religions covered are Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Hinduism. From Early years through to KS2 they will look at festivals, holy books and different places of worship. Our overall aim is for all children to have a good knowledge based understanding of others and for them to show empathy and mutual respect leading to them being a good global citizen. The three strands are:
- Identity and experience
- Expression
- Beliefs and teachings

Long Term Framework with takeaways
Y5 Charity project

Within RE lessons we have been discussing how Christians show they care at Christmas. We looked at different charities and the great work they all do to help others. The class decided to organise a Christmas themed jumper day and raise money for a worthy cause. The class voted to help UNICEF’s Ukraine appeal. They designed posters and asked all children to bring a coin to school in exchange for swapping their school jumper for a Christmas jumper. On the day the children all enjoyed juice and biscuits and raised £143.97. Well done Year 5!

Y5 visit a Sikh Gurdwara
In RE Year 5 have been learning about what to find inside a Sikh Gurdwara. We visited a local Gurdwara in Thornaby. We found out how Sikhs help both the Sikh and local communities. We had a look around the Gurdwara and we were able to spend some time in the langar, the community kitchen. We took donations including flowers with us and presented them at the ‘golak’, the donation box. We had a lovely afternoon.

Y3 visit a Mosque
Y3 visited a mosque in Stockton. We were shown around the different areas within the mosque. We saw where the ‘wudu’ is performed. We sat in the prayer hall and talked about how you face Mecca when you pray. We saw the dome from the inside and looked at Arabic patterns. We had a great time.