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PSHE/ RSHE – Preston Curriculum

RSHE(Relationships, Sexual, Health, Education is part of our PSHE(Personal, Social, Health and Economics) curriculum which focuses on strengthening the knowledge, skills and connections to keep children and young people healthy and safe and prepare them for work and life.

Our intention is that by the time our children leave Preston Primary, they will have the knowledge, understanding and emotions to be able to play an active, positive and successful role in today’s diverse society. They will understand how to recognise and develop healthy, positive relationships with friends, family and others within society. We teach kindness, respect and empathy to help the children become comfortable with who they are as individuals both in body and mind. We aim to equip them with the tools to deal with difficulties they may face within their lives and know who to turn to if they need help or support.

Below is our planned long-term overview framework to ensure coverage of the statutory Relationships and Health Education (RSHE) which comes under the umbrella of PSHE -Personal, Social, Health and Economics curriculum. In addition we teach about protected characteristics and these are mapped into our long term overview.

Many of the new statutory DFE objectives were already covered under our bespoke Preston Curriculum and where there were gaps they have been filled by incorporating some Jigsaw, British Values and PSHE Association lessons into our long and medium term planning. The children refer to all these lessons as the Preston Curriculum.

At Preston Primary, weekly assemblies focus on key strands of RSHE and/or British Values and every Friday the children have a Preston Curriculum lesson focussing on their key learning for the week taken from the medium term planning.

Long term overview for RSHE

Linking Preston Curriculum with RSHE

Key Takeaways

In Preston Curriculum, we have identified the key learning objectives we want the children to know in each year group which we refer to as ‘takeaways’

Each week assemblies will be linked to the Preston Curriculum and RSHE content being taught throughout school.



In Friday’s ‘Star of the Week’ assembly, teachers will choose a child that has shone in that week’s focus.

RSHE curriculum content- DFE Statutory guidance


Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education

Information for parents on RSHE.

Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your child’s primary school: a guide for parents

Preston Primary’s RSE Policy


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