As a whole school community, we have a strong commitment to the use of BSL and Sign Supported English. For deaf and hard of hearing people (both children and adults), the world can be a very small place where only a small number of people are able to communicate with them. The children at Preston Primary School will be aware of the use of BSL, why it is used and who it can be used for. They will acquire respect, a basic knowledge and every day conversational signs that will allow them to communicate with people using sign rather than spoken word. Through this knowledge, positive relationships and friendships will be forged. Children will learn signs to use alongside speech and therefore adopt a form of sign supported English within school. Through dedicated signing lessons they will be taught and will become aware that grammar is used differently and that word order may change when using signs or BSL. Across school, children will begin to use signs in a context relevant totheir own needs, the needs of their class and the needs of the wider school.