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The Governors are a group of people drawn from the staff, parents and the community who work together for the benefit of our school.

The Governors serving on our Local Governing Body are accountable to the trustees (who in turn are accountable to the Department for Education) as well as to the communities they serve. Whilst not trustees under charity law, nevertheless, the governors are under a duty to act in good faith and in the best interests of their school and Lingfield Education Trust.

The aim of the Governors Preston Primary is to work with the staff in helping the children achieve their full potential in a happy and caring environment.

This duty includes a responsibility to do the following:

  • To ensure their Academy complies with its legal obligations.
  • To fulfil the charitable object of Lingfield Education Trust.
  • To set targets, monitor pupil progress and attainment, and to challenge the Head teacher and Senior Leadership Team (SLT) to achieve the objectives of their Academy.
  • To act with integrity, to avoid any personal conflicts of interest and not to misuse any charitable funds or assets of their Academy or Trust.
  • To act prudently in the financial management of their Academy, avoiding putting any assets, funds or the reputation of their Academy or the Trustees at undue risk

You can email the Governors at the following address – governors@prestonprimary.co.uk

The Governing Body

Our governing body consists of

  • 1 Executive Head Teacher – ex officio appointment
  • 1 Head Of School – ex officio appointment
  • 1 Staff Governor – elected by the staff
  • 2 parent Governors – elected by the parents
  • 5 Trustee appointed governors – appointed by the Trustees from the local community with the relevant skillset

When appointing governors, Lingfield Education Trust will seek to fill these posts with people who live in the local area where possible whilst having regard for the balance of skills and experience that the LGB needs to fulfil its functions.

This will include the following skills/experience:

  • Financial expertise and commercial experience.
  • Education; experience of primary education, understanding of current education policy and the Ofsted framework and school performance indicators.
  • Ability to analyse school data, ask questions and hold to account.
  • Legal expertise.
  • Community engagement/community cohesion.
  • School governance.
  • Premises management.
  • Strategic planning.
  • Human resources management, including performance appraisal.
  • Marketing.

More information regarding governance at Lingfield Education Trust can be found on the governance section of the website, here. This includes the Trust ‘Scheme of Delegation’, which details the functions and responsibilities of Local Governing Bodies (and associated committees) within Lingfield Education Trust. 

Please click for last years meeting attendance

Please click for the current year meeting attendance

Please click for pecuniary interests

Meeting Dates 23-24

Tuesday 24th October

Tuesday 13th February

Tuesday 21st May

Governors Behaviour Statement

GovernorMembership CategoryTerm of Office
Mrs Sue RichardsonEx officioEx officio term of office
Stephanie BrownTrustee Appointed Governor 23/11/2021-22/11/2025
Mrs Claire Allred Parent Governor 14/07/2020 – 13/07/2024
Mr Aaron KeysTrustee Appointed Governor 23/11/2021-22/11/2025
Mr Duncan Clift Trustee Appointed Governor 26/09/2022-26/092026
Mrs Charlotte Benjamin Trustee Appointed Governor
Chair of Governors
14/07/2020 – 13/07/2024
Vacancy Parent Governor
Mrs Sarah Robb Staff Governor01/09/2022- 01/09/2027
Mrs Kerry StockleyTrustee Appointed Governor 01/09/2023-01/09/2028
Mr Paul SandersonEx officioEx officio term of office

Governor business interests

All academies and Trusts must publish their annual accounts as well as key legal governance information, such as Funding Agreements, Articles of Association and accounts information. For these documents relating to Lingfield Education Trust, please click here

Previous Governors within the last 12 months

Rev Matt Levinsohn, Trustee Appointed, Business interests 22-23, Stepped down Feb 2023

Mrs Judith Leeming, parent governor, stepped down 14th August 2023

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